Traditional vs. Roth IRA – Which One is Best for You?
Traditional vs. Roth IRA - Which One is Best for You? Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are as important as savings accounts for those looking to save for retirement. There are two types of IRAs: Traditional and Roth. Both have different benefits and choosing the...

8 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Applying For A Student Credit Card
Many students are unaware of the advantages of utilizing a credit union as opposed to one of the major national banks. The majority of students attending college are utilizing their initial checking accounts as well as student credit cards, and may be unaware that...

3 Most Appealing Reasons To Sign Up For Aspire Membership
We’re distinctive than a bank. We’re a full-service, digital-first credit union. And as a credit union, we’re member-owned and not-for-profit, which implies fewer expenses and more benefits for you. Our members have access to many perks every day, and after our quick...

Answers To 5 Commonly Asked Questions On CD Rates Minot ND
Thinking about opening a certificate of deposit (the credit union equivalent of a bank CD)? Here are three questions to answer before you invest money in a certificate or CD. Are the funds in certificates of deposit insured? Funds are federally insured as they are in...

4 Things To Know About Taking Up Aspire Membership
Today’s customers are looking for more than just an institution to help them manage their money. They want to find a place that not only takes care of its members, providing good rates and competitive services, but also contributes to the well-being of their...

The 3 U’s For A Better Future With Our Student Credit Cards
College is an exciting time and a time to gain your independence. It’s all about new beginnings; from getting into your dream college to getting your first student credit cards. Credit cards are fun, easy ways to make your college life easier but they are also a huge...

CD Rates Minot ND That Will Help You Succeed
Certificate of Deposits (CDs) are a great way for customers to grow investments over a set term with very low risk. Traditionally, CD rates are currently higher than they have been in the past 10 years. How do CDs work? A certificate of deposit is a type of savings...

How To Get Started With Aspire Membership
For over decades, Aspire Credit Union has had a steady presence in the North Dakota community. In that time, we’ve continued to grow as a full-service financial institution by offering the best in financial services and resources. As a local credit union, we’ve...

Benefits Of Student Credit Cards From Aspire
Your credit score is extremely important. It is a financial tool that determines if you get a loan and the interest rate you’ll pay on your loans. It is also looked at by landlords, utility companies, insurers and cell phone companies. Why? Having a good credit score...

Unlocking The Potential Of CD Rates Minot ND With Aspire
Did you know that Aspire Certificate of Deposit (CD) allows your money to grow at a higher interest rate than a savings account? It helps you grow your money, but unlike a savings account, CDs are a time-based deposit—they are invested for a specific amount of...