
Follow the Easy 4-Step Process to Enroll in E-Statements!

Your statement right in your Online Banking.

Receive your monthly statements electronically by signing up for E-Statements. By doing so you reduce paper waste and you don’t have to wait for snail mail.  You will receive an email notifying you that your statements is available within your Online Banking.

**On a desktop, it is on the right of the screen, on your phone browser, it will be located at the bottom of the page.


Sign-up for E-Notices too!

In the same area you enroll in E-Statements you can also enroll in E-Notices.

  • Click the eNotices link enroll.
  • Select ‘All” to receive all notices digitally.

Log-in to Online Banking

Log into your Online Banking via a browser, you can not sign up for statements via the mobile app.

Select Account Tab

On the ‘Account’ tab you will see ‘E-Statements’ in blue.

Click E-Statements

Click that link to enroll in E-Statements.

Confirm & Enroll

Read the Terms and Conditions, then select confirm.

Enter to WIN a $50 gift card by enrolling in E-Statements today!

Enhance your financial management by enrolling in our E-Statements!

Enjoy the convenience of receiving your monthly statements digitally, right at your fingertips. Not only will you help reduce paper waste, but for a limited time you’ll also be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card!

Once you sign up for electronic statements, your name will automatically be added to the drawing pool and will remain eligible for all following drawings.


Minot Credit Union