Aspire Membership
Aspire Membership
Economic Impact Payment
What is an Economic Impact Payment?
An Economic Impact Payment, which was previously referred to as the Federal Stimulus Check, Coronavirus Check, or Coronavirus Stimulus Check, is a stimulus tax rebate distributed by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to eligible taxpayers. These payments, if you receive them, are sent automatically from the IRS. Aspire does not get notified when the Economic Impact Payments are deposited into accounts or mailed. Aspire also does not have any control over when or if an Economic Impact Payment is received. You can visit the IRS Get Your Payment Portal on the IRS website to check on the status of your payment.
What if I have questions on the Economic Impact Payment?
If you have questions regarding the Economic Impact Payment we encourage you to visit the IRS website, as they are the direct source for all information regarding this payment and process. Updates are available on their website as the information becomes available. The IRS Economic Impact Payment Information Portal includes information on accessing Get My Payment Portal, payment status, eligibility, address changes, and error messages received on the IRS website.